“I want my own gallery.”
It is much easier than a real exhibition.
Please use “Gallerist 3D”.
I think every artist would like to have his or her work seen by as many people as possible.
When this happens, the first thing that comes to mind is exhibiting at a gallery. However, the actual exhibition of artwork requires work such as bringing in the artwork, displaying it, and taking it out after the exhibition is over.
In addition, rent is a major burden for individual exhibitors. Even if you co-host an exhibit with someone else, there is a lot of troublesome work involved in gathering members, making arrangements, etc. Moreover, the location and time frame are limited.
What if you could have a gallery on the web?
How do I have my own gallery?
If you would like to have your own gallery, please use GALLERISTIIID, a service that allows anyone to have a gallery easily and conveniently. You can apply online and upload your works online. That’s all you need to do to have your own gallery on the Web. You can apply from the “Rate plans” page here.
What kind of service is Gallerist 3D?
Gallerist 3D is a service that allows anyone with a smartphone or PC to freely create and publish their own gallery from anywhere. The exhibition process is simple and can be set up from either a PC or a smartphone. The public gallery can be freely moved around and the works can be viewed as if they were in a real gallery. For more information, please see the “What is Gallerist 3D” page.
What is the difference between publishing on the web and sharing on social networking sites?
With Gallerist 3D, you can approach a work of art three-dimensionally by viewing it from an angle, from a distance, up close, or side-by-side with other works, just as you would in a real gallery setting. This allows visitors to immerse themselves in the world of the work and the artist in a way that cannot be achieved by viewing the work on a flat surface alone.
How to Exhibit?
Exhibiting is very easy. On the application page, enter payment information and other necessary details to purchase a license. After that, you will see a dashboard where you can upload your artwork and enter information about your artwork, exhibit, and artist. For more information, please see ” How to make a gallery”.
How do I get people to see my gallery?
A URL is automatically issued after purchasing a license, and a QR code is also issued, so you can share the URL on SNS, etc., and also announce it through direct mail and printed materials.
What do you think? Please try to create your own gallery using GALLERISTIIID, “a service that allows anyone to create a gallery easily and conveniently.